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The color is based on your hair color


PAINLESS Brow procedure that lasts up to 3 years with annual maintenance. Shave 15-30 minutes off your morning routine by waking up with brows!

******************Combination Brows***********************

These brows are a combination of Nano strokes and Microshading to give a more natural appearance.

✨Brows will last 1 to 3yrs with color boost maintenance. :

✨Brows will heal lighter into a powder finish and shrink about a 1/3 in size:

✨Great for all skin types and requires less touch ups than microblading alone :

✨Healing- 7 to 10 days for brows to heal. Brows will scab,peel and look as though they have disappeared. Color will come back over a few days and weeks.

Brows cannot get wet for the first 7-10 days and No exercising so plan accordingly*

While Microshading is great for most clients, there are some who are ineligible for Microshading:

  • Those prone to keloids or post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Unfortunately, since microshading punctures the skin as we add pigment, we cannot work with clients with these conditions.

  • Clients who are taking anticoagulant medication will require a doctor's note and will need to cease the anticoagulant medication at least 10 days prior to the procedure and up to 2 weeks post the procedure for optimal results.

  • If you have a transmittable blood disease such as HIV or Hepatitis. Again, microshading artists cut the skin so it is our policy not to work with these conditions.

  • If you’ve had facial dermal fillers in that area. Depending on the timing, we recommend to get Microshading done first. Alternatively, check with your doctor. Many artists may request a note from your doctor first.

  • Patients undergoing chemotherapy. Although Microshading is great for restoring eyebrows, we would require a doctor’s note in order to perform the procedure for anyone undergoing chemotherapy.

  • If you have any kind of skin condition on or near your eyebrows. This includes:

    • eczema

    • shingles

    • rashes, or anything else near eyebrows

  • Children. Microshading is for adults only! We do not recommend Microshading for anyone under the age of 18. 

  • 4-6 week touch up may be necessary but not required

Combination Brow

The front of the brow features Nano strokes to mimic natural hair strokes
